Everyone has their own reason for considering therapy. All too often folks come only at the suggestion of a close friend, physician or loved one. Truth is, everyone can benefit from psychotherapy. Some need it to cope with significant mental health disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder); others might simply like a professional opinion or guidance. A therapist spends her life studying human behavior and listening to others. Dr. Coughlin is a useful resource to suggest alternatives, give insight, and collaborate to improve your satisfaction in life. The first session will be an evaluative one; Dr. Coughlin will take a brief history, attempt to define the core issues and suggest a treatment plan. At the end of that session, you can determine whether you wish to proceed. It is expected that therapy will help you address key issues and improve your life.
Teenagers seldom come for therapy on their own accord, usually they have gotten into trouble or they are in conflict with their parents; either way it usually helps to have a mediator. Dr. Coughlin delights in assisting teens and their families navigate adolescence. Her usual protocol is to meet exclusively with the teen for a number of sessions then, if needed, bring parents in to negotiate changes in how the family operates. In the case of substance abuse, Dr. Coughlin has several credentials and a wealth of professional experience to facilitate assessing and treating substance abuse issues.
A Message from Dr. Coughlin To Teens:
Please give me a try; I think you’ll find that I make sense and really do want to help you move on with your life, meeting your goals while also satisfying your parents’ expectations. What have you got to lose? Worst case, you give it a shot and nothing happens; best case, things smooth out with you and your parents. One thing both you and your parents need to know, I will not violate your confidence unless you tell me you are doing something that puts your life or the life of another at significant risk. What you tell me will be confidential unless I am required by law to report it – ask for details in your first session.